Nature Cat finally becoming Healthy Cat!!

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For Weight loss? Healthy body? Good look?

Reason why I began to workout..

I recently graduated from my university in October 2022 and took many photos during my convocation. After the ceremony, I looked back at the pictures I had taken, and I looked very different from the first year. I was shocked at how awful and unhealthy I looked and wanted to be healthy again. If I were to scale my energy level when I wake up, one being no energy at all and two being full of energy, I would always be at 2 ~ 3. I knew I couldn’t land a full-time job right after graduating, and I was expecting to take a long time to job hunt. Therefore, I wanted to fix my body, metabolism, eating habits, and posture while job hunting. I wanted my parents to think I was being productive

What was wrong with my body, metabolism and eating habits?

I used to go University located in downtown Toronto. Toronto is a relatively big city, and everything Downtown was very expensive. Of course, I was a student and was poor, tired, and anxious every day.I needed something cheap, quick and delicious to replace my full of love from my dearest mother home meal. Unfortunately, the food that was chosen to replace my meal was…. Iced Coffee from Tim Horton. It was 2 dollars, and it came out fast. Some might ask, why not commute back to have my full of love from my dearest mother home meal during lunchtime? Well since my school was Downtown, I would have to commute 2 hours (back and forth) just to eat lunch. I did not have the time nor the energy for that. Also, the public transit ticket cost me 3.25 dollars for each ride. Again I was a poor little nerdy soul… So for the past 5 years, I’ve been feeding myself cheap jerk food, no sunlight, no exercise, rounded shoulder and no core muscle.

First impression of Jim

One day in November, I saw an advertisement on Gmail about a free personal training consultant. Coincidentally my friend offered me to join his company’s gym discount benefit. Everything was perfect! Except for the weather. Canadian weather can be very crucial during winter time. But I’m a Nature Cat, I either go hard or go home. On the last week of November I signed up to a local gym and got my first personal training session.

To be confinue….

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